Saturday, February 4, 2012


We have immense pleasure to inform you that we have prepared a booklet on smoking and its dangers. The booklet was made in local language  by Nithu kuriakose, pharmacy practice department under the guidance of Mr.Khasim Kolaikadan, pulmonologist, Alshifa hospital as a part of  project work. Health care professionals are an important component of every smoke free air campaign. Doctors, dentists, pharmacists, nurses and health care students not only have a shared interest in promoting and protecting public health, but many are also well known and well respected within their communities. Patients in hospital represent a sizeable and potentially viable sector of the population for stop smoking interventions. Thus Alshifa hospital was proved to be a viable sector for this purpose.
                         We provided counseling services for smokers who were willing for the session. The booklet was an asset for us to convince our ideas to smokers. The booklet which entitled THE FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT SMOKING enclosed the real dangers of smoking and benefits of quitting smoking. Booklets were distributed to all smokers who wanted to quit smoking. Booklets were well received by the smokers and many reported that the counseling aid(booklet) helped them a lot in the process.
Nithu kuriakose( IInd year M Pharm ,Pharmacy practice student)