Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Editor’s Note: vol-2,issue 2( April-June 2012)

Editor’s Note: vol-2,issue 2( April-June 2012)
Iam delighted to welcome you back to the second issue of our quarterly news letter,
Shifa Clinpharm, Vol-2, Issue -2,(April- June 2012). We were very happy and frankly a little surprised about all the positive feedback we received on our first issue. We also received some helpful constructive suggestions which we will be working on very soon.
Judging by the responses I received, I assume that the topics we covered in the previous issue of our newsletter was of great interest to our readers and I sincerely hope that each one of these topics provided some significant stimulation to a reasonable segment of our community of readers.
I want to thank all authors who have contributed to Shifa Clinpharm. The success of this enterprise depends on your response. So we welcome your feedback and would like to hear what you think of the newsletter thus far.
In this issue we cover:
v  Motivating our Goals
v  Clinical pharmacist- Change from product focused service to patient centered approach
v  Role of Pharm.D in bringing up the pharmacy profession to the global level; rising hopes and uncertainties of Pharm.D in India

v  Heavy metals found in toxic amount- herbal formulation   
v  Analysis of Adr.
v  Evaluation of the functioning of DIC in Al-Shifa hospital(2011-2012)
v  New treatment for scorpion stings
v  New treatment for most common type of skin cancer
v  Guidelines on pharmacovigilance

we will be back with more insightful and informative articles in our next issue.
Happy reading!

Dilip C, Chief Editor.

picture gallery- Pharma Exhibition 2012