Saturday, August 3, 2013



Cancer is the current leading cause of death worldwide responsible for approximately one quarter of all deaths in USA and UK. Nanotechnologies provide tremendous opportunities for the treatment of the cancer. Among  them gold nanoparticles to the cancer cell and hitting them with a laser has been shown                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             to be a promising tool in fighting cancer.    The scientists tells that “Once you cut the size of gold down to a few nanometers, its properties change and it reacts with other elements, catalyzes reactions and interacts with light, which makes it valuable for medical applications” . It is realized that gold nanoparticles have advantages over other nanostructures because they can achieve both diagnostics and therapy simultaneously.
                  By using gold nano and infrared light MIT researchers have developed a drug delivery system that allows multiple drugs to be released in a controlled fashion. By directing gold nanoparticles into the nuclei of cancer cells, they can  not only prevent them from multiplying, but can kill them where they lurk. By attaching nanoparticle to an existing drug, researches may not only be to lower toxicity, but they may also significant life expectancy gains for patient. The biosafety of gold nanoparticles are important in clinical trials. The gold nanoparticles increase the efficacy of the anti cancer drugs and ensures better retention of the drug in the tumors, and hence less amount of drug is needed. Delivery devices already exist can release two drugs, but the timing of the result must be built inside the cell -it cannot be controlled outside the body. The new system is controlled externally and theoretically could deliver three or four drugs.
Gold nanoparticles interact with light and have strong and tunable surface Plasmon resonance, which can be detected using multiple imaging modalities. These provide an unique opportunity for their potential application in optical imaging for early detection of cancer. By changing the shape of the nanospheres to cylindrical gold nano rods, the researchers were able to use near-infrared laser light to detect malignant tumors hidden more deeply under the skin and selectively destroy them without harming the healthy cells.”Since light converted into heat selectively kills cancer cells, this treatment can be used for different kinds of cancers, avoids normal drug resistance and does not require invasive surgery, thus avoiding post surgery infections”.
The researches on gold nanoparticles as drug delivery for anticancer drugs are progressing. Researchers claim that their approach is very promising.

Vandana Kamath,
 Second pharm.D

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