CAMP FOR DEPRESSION IN WORLD HEALTH DAY Under the leadership of Dr Jishnu Narayanan(
Jamal, Lina Elizabeth Cherian, Mumthas AH, Murshid CP
D, 5th year 2016.
someone said “Depression is living in a body that fights to survive, with a
mind that tries to die”. A one day camp was conducted by the Department of
Psychiatry and marketing department of KIMS ALSHIFA HOSPITAL, on 7th
April 2017 at Vettathur Akashaparavakal,focusing on depressive patients mainly
the inmates and the people from vicinity.
Akashaparavakal is a charity institution, having many branches overall
Kerala which aims to support the people who are homeless, suffering from mental
or physical illness, physical disability etc. They provide necessary treatment
for the deserving inmate patients free of cost.
Health Day was celebrated on April 7 this year and it was centred aroundthe
theme ‘Depression: Let’s Talk’, aims to reach out and help people battling with
the disorder. Depression is the leading cause of ill health and disability
worldwide. According to latest estimates
from WHO, more than 300 million people are now living with depression, an
increase of more than 18% between 2005 and 2015. Under the leadership of Dr. Jishnu Narayanan
and marketing department staffs Mr Nazer along with psychiatry OPD staffs Ms
Suhara and Mrs Usvath we Pharm D 5th year students went to Vettathur
Akashaparavakal. Rev Father Thomas was the incharge of the place. The camp was
held at the general hall there and inmates, staffs and general public
interested in the topic were gathered. Dr Jishnu detailed the audience about
depression, its symptoms and treatment. There was an interactive session where
the audience asked their doubts regarding depression and its treatment.
Patients with depression from the audience shared their experiences and
sufferings. Also people asked about hereditary occurrence of depression. Zung
Self-Rating Depression Scale in Malayalam was circulated among audience. Zung
SDS is a psychological self-rating test screening tool with a 20 item
self-report questionnaire to assess the severity of depression. More than 50
people were present and almost all of them filled the scale. Some patients consulted
Dr. Jishnu and he gave his valuable advice. Blood grouping of the inmates of
akashaparaval was also done with the help of Biomedical Department of Kims
Alshifa Hospital.
camp enriched us with the practical experience of interacting with depressive patients
and to understand their problems and preconception about the disease. It
provided us a platform to clarify the doubt in seeking medical care. It is
important to remove the taboo of depression from the society for which such
camps serve as opportunity.
Get rid of depression and various neuro problems by consulting Dr Rajeev Gupta. He is one of the best Psychiatrist in Ludhiana and offering advanced treatment.