Saturday, October 19, 2013

New technology : Autologous conditioned plasma ( ACP injections)

New technology : Autologous conditioned plasma ( ACP injections)

Dr Abdulla Khaleel,
Orthopediatic consultant:
Alshifa Hospital

 ACP also know as platelet rich plasma are injections for treatment of difficult chronic tendonitis around the hand and foot as well as for tennis elbow, Achilles tendonitis, patellar tendonitis and plantar fasciitis. these type of tissues have limited blood supply. so they heal slowly. in  most instances there are areas when steroid injection have been marginally affective or sometimes contra indicated 

what is ACP

 A small amount of patients own blood is drawn and centrifuged for 5- 10 minutes. This separate the red and white blood cells leaving a solution containing platelets. this solution contains an average of 2 to 25 times the amount of various growth factor that the same amount of patients own blood . Studies have shown that ACP injections facilities healing response resulting from the introduction of the greater amount of growth factor in the damaged tissues.
 After centrifuging the plasma containing platelets and growth factors is injected into the injured tissue. the entire process takes less than 20 minutes

 This can be done as on out patient ( OP) procedure. No need of any special precautions, can have regular diet.

Safe? Side effects:

No ill effects have been reported in any of the studies, this process uses the patient's own blood there by clinically reducing any chances of complications or reactions


There can be some soreness for about 48 hours following injection. NSAIDs are prohibited for 2 weeks as they interfere with the action of ACPs. Physical activity involving the affected limb should be limited  for 2 days. Single injection will reduce pain in most of the patients and for some patients may require a repeat injection.

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